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About Me

I first got involved in digital photography when I was in middle school. I always liked taking pictures to capture a moment and the beauty in something. I took a lot of landscape shots in the beginning but when I began high school, I started to get more involved in portraits. I took photography one my freshman year, and it was not was I was expecting. When I signed up for photography, I thought it was a digital photography class, but never the less, I really enjoyed my time in photography one and everything I had learned. I mainly focus on portraits throughout this semester with a few landscape photos. Some of the problems I faced while taking photos was lighting and taking photos at interesting angles instead of straight on the subject. I was able to overcome them by planning when it was a good day and time to take my photos and experimenting with different angles to see which would be the most interesting and flattering. Overall, I've grown more as a photographer and photography two has really helped build my creative thinking.


In the future, I've thought about taking pictures for people (i.e. senior photos, family pictures, etc). Taking portraits shots is my favorite because it gives me the ability to bring out someone's beauty in a photography. I know that when I get portraits of myself, I want to see if the photography truly captures me. I want to be able to do that for other people and see how they react whenever they get their pictures back. I've looked into starting a business and have learned from photographers what it takes to start a photography business and how to interact with clients, but we'll see where life takes me from here!

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